
Saturday, December 28, 2019

Personal Statement On Classroom Management - 1439 Words

Philosophy Statement in Classroom Management I believe classroom management is extremely significant for teachers and effective teachers know how to manage the classroom while helping students to behave appropriately. In order to be an effective ESL teacher, I will use demonstrating expectations, creating a safe learning environment, building a positive relationship, redirecting inappropriate behavior, and motivating in managing my future classroom. First, I believe teachers’ clear and direct demonstration is the essential factors in classroom management. Whenever setting classroom rules and procedures, teachers have to show students what those are and how they are expected to behave so that students can follow them without any problems.†¦show more content†¦I know that, in Korea’s education system, it is hard for students to ask questions or express their opinions to teachers since teachers think that the learners challenge their authority and neglect them as teachers. However, I believe that expressing does not mean rudeness or not respecting their teachers, rather it is a natural process for the learners to process a new knowledge. Thus, I will create a safe environment where all the students can have an inquiry and can ask to their peers or to me without any hesitation. When learners ask questions, I will clarify their questions from my knowledge, and if I do not know or not sure about the question, I would search or study from the outside sources to solve their questions. Also, when they make mistakes, I would not point out their errors in front of the class, rather I will indirectly correct their errors by asking paraphrased questions again or having other students who might know the right answer. In this way, I would be able to increase students’ responses and while responding to me, they would be more engaged in the lecture and learning will happen in the classroom. In order to make a safe learning environment, I would always emphasize that making mistakes is totally okay, natural in learning a second language, and finally, errors are going to help increase their language accuracy. While putting my efforts in making safe environment, I willShow MoreRelatedPersonal Statement On Classroom Management Plan1772 Words   |  8 PagesClassroom Management Plan Steve Robinett Introduction/Philosophy: It is my belief that all students have the right to learn and I have the right to teach. I believe that it is my responsibility to provide appropriate and engaging instruction and lessons and the students have the responsibility to work to the best of their ability to achieve. I also believe that if the student requires accommodations and modifications it is my responsibility to develop and provide them as needed. I believe is is myRead MorePersonal Statement : My Classroom Management Plan2132 Words   |  9 Pagesindividual strengths and skills of each student. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Determinism and Existentialism in View of Same-Sex Marriage

Determinism and Existentialism in view of same-sex marriage The traditional determinism principle states that anything that happens in the present is necessitated by precursor happenings. In most cases within metaphysics, determinism is viewed as a culmination of the past facts, in conjunction with the present laws of nature will show or carry the truth about the future. This therefore means, at least in philosophy, that when the history and the present laws of nature are held constant, then it is only possible to have one predetermined future at a given moment in time (Michael M., 2009). To relate this to the human behavior and acts, we can argue that is determinism is true, then there are conditions that cause the actions of a given individual at a given time, and these conditions are placed somewhere in the deep remote past even before their own birth, and these can sufficiently explain their behavior. In the article from The New Times done by Haskell D. (2013), he takes the determinist view of sexuality and tries to explain same sex relationship as thing that was predetermined within the individuals from the initial times. He brings in quite a number of examples from plants that naturally hold two sexes within the same flower bud and also draws examples from some animals like snails that hold the ability to give both eggs and sperms. With this, he draws conclusion that the evolution of sexuality among human beings is purely natural and hence was a predetermined thingShow MoreRelated Is The Second Sex Beauvoirs Application of Sartrean Existentialism?3713 Words   |  15 PagesIs The Second Sex Beauvoirs Application of Sartrean Existentialism? ABSTRACT: Simone de Beauvoirs 1949 feminist masterpiece, The Second Sex, has traditionally been read as an application of Sartrean existentialism to the problem of women. Critics have claimed a Sartrean origin for Beauvoirs central theses: that under patriarchy woman is the Other, and that one is not born a woman, but becomes one. An analysis of Beauvoirs recently discovered 1927 diary, written while she was a philosophyRead MoreEssay on Nature vs. Nurture: The Biology of Sexuality2705 Words   |  11 Pagesargue about because we do not have the right answer and everyone has a subjective point of view. It appears mostly as a philosophical debate. The science itself researches concrete facts trying to understand the reflection on knowledge and conscientiousness in achievements of sciences. First of all, we have to make the difference between sex and gender. Biological sex includes physical attributes such as sex chromosomes, hormones and internal reproductive structures and external genitalia. This is

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Management and Business Context Understanding of Factors

Question: Discuss about the Management and Business Context Understanding of Factors. Answer: The aim of the following paper is to make an in depth analysis of the factors, which are critical for a business organization. Therefore, contextual factors those are internal for an organization and its business management and contribute potential impact on the business operations and the decision making procedures would be identified and evaluated. In this context, it is essential to mention that business is an aspect that is integrated in a business environment in which both the internal tangible and intangible facets as well as factors interplay with the ever changing external business environment (Saroogh et al., 2015). Therefore, it is understandable that for a business organization, factors of both internal and external environment have vital priorities. It has been identified that the fundamental contextual factors for a business organization are goals and strategy, both internal and external business environment, organizational size, technology and organizational culture (Pinder, 2014). Each of the aforementioned factors does have a potential impact on both profit and non-profit organizations. It is essential to mention that an organization whether profit oriented or non-profit penetrate into a market with some specific demand. In order to accomplish those demands, every organization needs to set an apt goal or organizational aim that is required to be attained with the help of a set of objectives. On the other hand, another contextual aspect, which is organizational strategy, is considered to be the crucial steps those are required in order to meet the organizational objectives. According to Pernot and Roodhooft (2014), an organization strives to achieve its desired outcome with the help of planned objectives. In this context, it is required to note that the senior managers of individual organizations articulate and establish convenient strategic objectives in accordance with the organizations aim for the subordinate employees (Kulik Li, 2015). Nevertheless, in terms of contextual factors, it is worth considerable that an organizations strategic goals are potential contributing factors though accomplishment of the goals cannot be pursued without convenient environmental factors. A business organizations environmental factors can be classified into two main types internal and external (Kuipers et al., 2014). The environmental factors play a significant role as contextual factors as they determine the success level of a particular business project. In terms of external business environment factors, there are clients or customers, competitors, scientific and technical committees, political, economic, social and cultural factors (Haslam et al., 2014). On the other hand, the internal environmental factors are considered to be suppliers, investors, employees and management. It is essential to denote here that in order to understand the credibility of both of the internal and external factors, which highly affect the business ope rations and the decision making factors of an organization, it is essential to evaluate the factors with the help of macro-environmental and micro-environmental analysis processes. Organizations generally pursue a PESTLE (Political, Environmental, Social, Technological, Legal and Environmental or ethical) analysis along with a SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats) for understanding and evaluating the condition and its probable impact on a particular business project (Donaldson et al., 2013). Besides, SWOT and PESTLE, there is the theoretical framework of Porters five forces (Ganter Hecker, 2014). It has been identified that Porters five forces model is one of the most influential model that propels an apt strategic management to the core of management goals. According to Porters five forces framework, an organization needs to evaluate the power of its potential target market, existing suppliers or raw material providers, existing rival organizations along with the new entrants. The framework is indicative of the fact that in term of significant contextual factors for an organization, the power of some of the external and internal environmental factors such as buyer, rival organizations and suppliers is most crucial (Csikszentmihalyi Sawyer, 2014). It is further indicative of the fact that a successive or fruitful revenue growth of a business cannot be achieved without an in-depth analysis of the bargaining power of the suppliers, customers, rival threat of other organizations and power of the new entrants. In the words of Cameron and Green (2015), an in-depth evaluation of Porters five forces works as a risk assessment program as through the framework sincerely pinpoints the probable constraints or risks, which an organization could fac e. Nevertheless, in this respect it should be considered that as one of the necessary contextual factors, an organizations particular work culture holds significant contribution. An organizations culture refers to a distinct system through which assumptions, value, beliefs and individual organizational strategic goals are shared. Organizational culture is a particular system that governs as well as controls the behaviors of the employees. It has been understood that the purpose of the organizational culture is to share the values so that the people working in the organization can have clear idea about the organizations decorum, expected performance standard and expected behavior (Cameron Green, 2015). Therefore, understandably it is one of the significant contextual factors that directly govern another essential contextual factor, which is one of the internal organizations aspect employees. In this context, it is required to mention that the expression of the dominant business culture is related with the core values whereas another significant part of culture that is subculture whose responsibility is to reflect common situations, predicaments and experiences. However, it is required to mention that subculture is relevant for those organizations, which have several geographical separations. On the other hand, organizational size is another significant contextual factor that should be prioritized in the particular context. Fundamentally, organizational size is considered to be the physical capacity, personnel availability, organizational inputs and outputs and discretionary resources. Most significantly, organizational size highly affects the organizational structure and culture (Csikszentmihalyi Sawyer, 2014). Apparently, organizational size is considered to be the human power or number of efficient employees of an organization. Therefore, it means that an organizations employees work like an asset that play vital role as a part of internal environment as well as organizational size. Nevertheless, it is to signify in this regard that employees as organizational size matters highly only when an organization have a group of efficient professional managers. However, organizational size is a vital factor for determining whether an organization needs to have centralized str ucture or the decentralized one. Recently, it has been proven by several studies that more than 1000 of organizations have implied that they have realized statistically significant and positive relationship between their organizational size and formalization (Ganter Hecker, 2014). Nonetheless, it is to consider here that the contextual facets of an organization highly affect the organizational decision making procedure as each of the factors necessarily contribute to the success factor of the organization. Therefore, understandably the decision making process needs to include assessment of the probable risks, which are related with the contextual factors. Therefore, in this context, it is essential to discuss that if the contextual factors would not work as per the expectation or would cumulate negative impact then it is possible to encounter high level of risks. Risk in an organization can come from any field that is directly related with the internal facets of the organization. It has been identified that risk management is determined by risk assessment and there are two main ways through which an organization decides the applicable measures for mitigating the predicaments (Kulik Li, 2015). The first one is the consequence based safety management that asserts that the worst conceivable situation at time of an installation should not affect areas, which are outside the distinct boundaries. Therefore, outside the certain boundaries the chances of risks can be minimized. On the other hand, another one that is the risk based safety management says that there is a need to assess probabilities related to every organizational contextual f actor based on their individual predominant natures. It is significant to mention here that the process of risk management involves certain steps, which are identify the risks, identifying the causes, indentifying the controls, establishing the likelihood and consequences of the risks, establishing the risk ratings indicators, select the most suitable risk eliminating option and then implement the finally selected decision (PernotE., Roodhooft, 2014). After making the final decision and implementing it, it is essential for a business organization to monitor the implemented system on daily basis and review as well as assess the consequences. According to Pinder (2014), the risk assessment and risk management system should be pursued in a cyclic process. It means that until and unless a risk or the probabilities regarding a risk eliminate entirely, the aforementioned procedure needs to be applied in a repetitive procedure. Therefore, from the above discussion, it has been understood that for a business organization, some of the most vital contextual factors are internal and external environment, technology, organizational culture, organizational size and the strategies and goal of an organization. The above discourse has signified the fact that an organization needs to analyze the credibility of each of the above mentioned contextual factors with the help of PESTLE, SWOT and Porters five forces analysis. Each of these frameworks helps an organization in understanding the condition and potentiality of internal and external factors. However, the paper has also pointed out that it is essential to pursue risk assessment as well as risk management procedures because each of the contextual factors of an organization possesses risks or different predicaments according to their application. References Cameron, E., Green, M. (2015).Making sense of change management: a complete guide to the models, tools and techniques of organizational change. Kogan Page Publishers. Csikszentmihalyi, M., Sawyer, K. (2014). Shifting the focus from individual to organizational creativity. InThe Systems Model of Creativity(pp. 67-71). Springer Netherlands. Donaldson, L., Qiu, J., Luo, B. N. (2013). For rigour in organizational management theory research.Journal of Management Studies,50(1), 153-172. Ganter, A., Hecker, A. (2014). Configurational paths to organizational innovation: qualitative comparative analyses of antecedents and contingencies.Journal of Business Research,67(6), 1285-1292. Haslam, S. A., van Knippenberg, D., Platow, M. J., Ellemers, N. (Eds.). (2014).Social identity at work: Developing t Kuipers, B. S., Higgs, M., Kickert, W., Tummers, L., Grandia, J., Van der Voet, J. (2014). The management of change in public organizations: A literature review.Public Administration,92(1), 1-20. Kulik, C. T., Li, Y. (2015). The fork in the road: Diversity management and organizational justice. Pernot, E., Roodhooft, F. (2014). The impact of inter-organizational management control systems on performance: A retrospective case study of an automotive supplier relationship.International Journal of Production Economics,158, 156-170. Pinder, C. C. (2014).Work motivation in organizational behavior. Psychology Press. Sarooghi, H., Libaers, D., Burkemper, A. (2015). Examining the relationship between creativity and innovation: A meta-analysis of organizational, cultural, and environmental factors.Journal of business venturing,30(5), 714-731.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Competition and Complementarity Scripts †MyAssignmenthelp.com

Question: Discuss about the Competition and Complementarity Scripts. Answer: Introduction: The report is based on the topic on human rights and the policies that have been taken to achieve the goal regarding the human rights. United Nations, for several years, have been engaging in the improvement of standards regarding the rights of the individual as well as the states. It has taken various measures for the betterment of the fundamental rights and in certain situation; it has been observed that the institution has played an important role regarding the problems related to the asylum seekers. Universal Declaration of Human Rights are one of the measures management. Michael Kirby and Gillian Triggs regarding the refugee rehabilitation have promised another measure. This report has stated about the legal issues faced by these measures or policies, stakeholders who are affected by the legal issues generated by the policies, certain specific legislations and treaties, and remedies. The wise step of the United Nations regarding the human rights can be observed in case of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It has been resolute in the years 1948. The rules and the policies regarding the individuals rights have been observed through international treaties and related laws on human rights[2]. There are thirty Articles in the declaration and each of the Articles is dealing with various topics that are pronounced for the interest of the human being. The policy was implemented for the whole community. The idea was generated during the World War II, when there is a deficit regarding the fundamental rights has been observed. The problem regarding the asylum seekers or the refugees has been increased notoriously due to dramatic increase in the policies of certain specific states, natural calamities and war policies. It has been a serious problem regarding the international policies and Australia is one of the affected countries regarding the matter[3]. It has been observed that the immigration system of Australia is playing a role regarding the issue and it has been presumed by the policy makers that the refugees that are immigrated in the provinces of Australia must be returned to their homeland. However, conflict cropped up when they are not returned. Certain allegations have been made against the asylum policies of Australia as it has been reported that the states are detained the asylum seekers illegally in jail. He problem was highlighted by the prominent human rights activists Michael Kirby and Gillian Triggs. They have chalked out certain policies so that it will become possible to reduce the probl em. They are concentrating on the rights of the asylum seekers and implementing certain policies so that they could not be detained in jail illegally and being tortured by the respective government. In case of the Universal Declaration, there are certain legal issues based on the fundamental rights of the human being observed. It has been stated in the general meeting of the commission that the intention of the declaration should promote the fundamental features of the human being[4]. The main criteria of this report are based on the humanitarian ground and it has been noticed that the following subject matter are applicable to certain primary and secondary legal sources. It has been observed in Brown v Board of Education 347 U.S 483 (1954) that the education system should have to maintain equality and therefore, different schooling for the white and black is unconstitutional. It can be treated as the primary sources. It has also been stated in many cases that the refugee problem is a universal problem and that should be deal from ethical aspect. Leading newspapers like Sydney Herald or the Australians has published a lot of news on the refugee problems or justice and equity. Th e Guardian has broadcasted several editions on the illegal detention of the refugees and also protested against the child detention that is an established fact of the Australian law. Triggs had also published book and documentary videos regarding the refugee rehabilitation and detention policy. These can be treated as thge secondary sources. The freedoms have been categorised in the United Nations Covenants. These rights are also termed as the human rights and it has been stated that the rights are attached to the emotion of the citizens. It has been stated by the commission that the policies implementing by the Universal Declaration are binding on all the member states and this feature is given the Declaration a constitutive nature. According to certain diplomats, this declaration is a part of the customary law and it can create pressure on the governments if there is a breach regarding the rules of the declaration can be observed. Certain legal issues such as the racial discrimina tion, women discrimination, child rights and torture have been included under the declaration. On the other hand, in case of the asylum seekers, the main problem evolved with the human rights of the refugees and the state policies over them. Gillian Triggs that the Australian government has failed to implement reasonable care for the refugees and in many cases, their fundamental rights such as freedom of self-determination, movement, thought or expression could not be exercised properly have pointed it out. The child detention is another legal issue in this case[5]. A stakeholder means the persons or the organisation that are directly affected by the legal issues pointed out. According to the legal issues cropped up in the case of Universal Declaration, the stakeholders are the backward classes who do not enjoy all the fundamental duties and if the government of a particular state have failed to comply with the policies mentioned under the declaration. In case of the second issue, it is obvious to state that the refugees are the main stakeholders. Innovative solution: Therefore, it can be said that the problem regarding the asylum seekers that has been pointed out by Michael Kirby and Gillian Triggs are based on the humanitarian ground and the help of the global assistance must solve it. The political activists have taken many steps and the above named activists highlight the remarkable points. It should be kept in mind that every asylum seekers have certain fundamental rights and therefore, all of them should be treated equally. They should not be detained in custody without any reason and for that, the law regarding the same should be altered. Recently, Australia has faced trouble regarding the asylum detention and therefore the department of immigration management should adopt necessary step. The problem regarding the UDHR and the asylum seekers should be dealt from ethical and philosophical perspective. It is the ethical duty of every individual to extend their helping hand to the refugees, as they have to leave their homeland. The freedoms that are stated under the UDHR policies should be maintained and attempt should be taken from the side of the non-legal audience too. Certain philosophical approach should also maintained to resolve the problem. I have experienced the fact that this part deals with the international treaties, regulations, policy papers or the relevant case laws upon which the legality of the declarations are depended. I have understood the fact that legal sources of Australia are depending on codified and un-codified laws and that can be categorised as federal parliaments, common law system and Australian constitutions. There are two sources of law in the judicial system of Australia. The first one is written in several enactments and constitution and the other one is depended on the precedents that are the decisions made by the judges. In Australia, the administrative section is based on the commonwealth system and the legal section is maintaining the federal law rules. I have neen analysed on the legal facts of the judicial system of Australia and found that there are certain public and private laws present that demonstrate the relationship between the public and government and relate the private rights of the individuals too. Now days many cases are reported or published in the newspaper and other articles. I am going to prescribe some of it. In 2014, a report regarding the disappearance of Amarildo De Souza had been reported in the Guardian and a serious breach regarding the fundamental rights has been alleged against the police of Rio de Janeiro. The alleged officers were arrested for torture and murder of de Souza. The genocides in Rwanda was also made a great dilemma regarding the infringements of human rights. In case of the refugee detention, I have observed that there are certain policies enacted for the benefits of the refugees. There are policies on the immigration detention applicable in the case and the same is pronounced in the year 1992[6]. Apart from this, certain human right Acts have been made for the same. In case of the immigration detention in Australia, there is a provision regarding the detention of the child is located. From the humanitarian ground, I do not support this kind of program. Therefore, in these cases, certain guidelines of the juvenile protection have been observed. Rules regarding the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission 1998 and International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights have also been applicable in this case[7]. In this part I have observed a provision regarding the Juris Doctor (JD) program that has been initiated. It is a professional degree and it helps to increase the analysis and research skills and concentrate on the grounds like international, transnational and comparative grounds. Through JD program, the student can enrich their judicial mind, can gain knowledge on certain grounds like legal leadership, international engagement, alumni impact, and may get exclusive leaderships. As a legal student I think the legal skill could be sharpen by the critical analysis of the projected subjects and therefore, it is important to understand the demonstration and implementation of relevant legal policies. There are certain compulsory subjects attached with this legal program of whom four categories are Tort Law, Corporate law, Equity and Evidence. Conclusion: Therefore, it can be concluded that the human rights are an important part of the democracy and until the same has been protected, the interest of the citizen will not be secured. It has been observed that the UDHR was adopted in the year 1948, but still the violation of the human rights is being reported through various newspapers. In case of the refugee detention, the same landscape has been observed[8]. However, the problem can be resolved if strict steps can be given by the governments. Many political scientists that the lack of binding principles of the UNO is responsible in this case have pointed it out. These problems should have to be resolved to reach at the ultimate democracy. Reference: Fleay, Caroline, et al. "Missing the boat: Australia and asylum seeker deterrence messaging."International Migration54.4 (2016): 60-73. Fleay, Caroline, et al. "Missing the boat: Australia and asylum seeker deterrence messaging."International Migration54.4 (2016): 60-73. Higgins, Claire. "Australian Community Attitudes to Asylum Seekers and Refugees."Hum. Rts. Defender25 (2016): 25. Koelsch, Sarah. "A journey towards conscientisation: Motives of volunteers who support asylum seekers, refugees and detainees." (2017). Maguire, Amy. "Refugees and human rights-Challenges for Australia."Legaldate29.3 (2017): 3. Olayemi, Abdul Azeez Maruf, et al. "Islamic Human Rights Law: A Critical Evaluation of UIDHR CDHRI In Context Of UDHR." (2015). Pickering, Sharon, and Leanne Weber. "New Deterrence Scripts in Australia's Rejuvenated Offshore Detention Regime for Asylum Seekers."Law Social Inquiry39.4 (2014): 1006-1026. Ssenyonjo, Manisuli.International human rights law: six decades after the UDHR and beyond. Routledge, 2016. Tomuschat, Christian.Human rights: between idealism and realism. OUP Oxford, 2014. Trang, Jeanette. "A Moral Justification for Universal Human Rights: Connecting Two Traditions on the Principle of Human Dignity." (2015). Voeten, Erik. "International Human Rights Institutions: Competition and Complementarity."Global Order and the New Regionalism(2016): 55. Zwi, Karen, et al. "Summary of position statement on refugee and asylum?seeker health."Journal of paediatrics and child health51.7 (2015): 657-657.